Black Sounding Names Less Likely to Get an Interview

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Are Job Candidates Still Being Penalized For Having 'Ghetto' Names?

Janice Gassam Asare

I help create strategies for more diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Name discrimination is a common issue that job candidates from different ethnic backgrounds may face. There is a wealth of research and evidence that suggests that people with more 'ethnic-sounding' names experience bias during the hiring process and are less likely to be called back for roles they are qualified for compared to their counterparts. With an understanding of the research, is it in an employee's best interest to modify their name so it sounds less ethnic and more White? "I advise my clients that they should leave their name as is," explains Demisha Jennings, Certified Professional Resume Writer and founder and CEO of She Assists LLC, a company designed to help clients craft competitive resumes that will help them land their dream jobs. Demisha has been helping her clients design winning resumes for the last decade and shared the advice she offers Black job seekers. "One of the conversations I had with a client recently, she said that she wanted her middle name to be listed as her first name on her resume because she has a hard time getting calls back because people tell her that her name is ghetto. It really saddened me when she said that because my name, Demisha, is ghetto to some people unfortunately…I told [my client] if you change your name and they do give you a call back that's great but if they can't accept you for who you are with your name, then you don't want to work there."

Demisha Jennings, creator of She Assists LLC

Demisha Jennings

Demisha shared that although the hiring and selection process has evolved, more progress must be made. "I really think as a professional resume writer and just as a Black woman, I have completely shifted the way that I view things in the job market. A lot of people think that discrimination is not happening much in 2020, but believe it or not, jobseekers, African American job seekers more specifically, are being discriminated against all the time. I just really want to open up more people's mindsets that when they're looking at a resume, don't pay attention to what the person's name is. First of all, you're discriminating if you say this person's name sounds Black or is ghetto…really look into their experience," Demisha explains. One strategy that can be an effective buffer for the unconscious bias that often seeps into hiring and selection processes is using a blind resume system. A blind resume system can help employers select job candidates best suited for a role while preventing much of the name discrimination that occurs with race and gender identifiers, and also with graduation years being visible on a resume. "People really need to understand that this is huge thing [within] the African American community," indicates Demisha. "This happened to me. When people hear my name, Demisha, they think…she's just some young ghetto Black girl, and then they meet me and they're like she's so well-spoken, she has a business…I am not my name."

So how can prospective Black employees, who are often on the receiving end of discrimination and bias in the hiring process, stay competitive in an ever-changing market? "It's so important as a professional to partner with a resume writer to really tell your career story. I've had a lot of clients who invested $350 and then got a $24,000 salary increase." Demisha shared. Job candidates should ensure that they've refined their skills through certifications and relevant volunteer opportunities, which can help improve their competitive advantage. As Demisha indicates, employees should not modify their names to assimilate. In 2020, job opportunities are plentiful, therefore candidates should strive to find an organization where they can be their full and authentic selves, and not settle for anything less.

To learn more about how Demisha can help you craft a competitive resume, click here.

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Janice Gassam Asare

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Black Sounding Names Less Likely to Get an Interview


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