Simplepencil Drawing Tree Without Leaves

To draw a tree, it would seem that it could be easier. But in order for you to get a beautiful, eye-pleasing drawing, you need to try hard. It is not necessary to have the talent of an artist, you can master special techniques and you will succeed.

A tree can be drawn in completely different ways. It can be a bright colorful drawing, or vice versa a black and white picture. It all depends on your mood, on the emotions that you want to convey.

By depicting just one tree, you can convey the entire environment around it.

How to draw a tree in kindergarten in stages

From a very young age, children are drawn to drawing. Yearlings will be happy to imitate you, waving a pencil over a sheet of paper. By the age of two, a child's hand coordination will allow him to draw the simplest things. At this age, many children start going to kindergarten.

In kindergarten, classes are held in which children learn to draw. They begin to hold the pencil correctly, draw lines and circles. Parents, however, should practice with the child at home. To do this, you need to know how to properly explain to a novice artist the technique of drawing an object.

Drawing a tree is also divided into several stages, which the child must remember well and master in practice. Do not try to complete the task instead of him, assigning the child the role of an observer. In early childhood, all manipulations with hands and fingers help the development of the child's speech.

Let's take a look at the easiest way to teach a child.

First stage is to draw a tree schematically. To do this, the child must understand that a tree grows from the ground, that it has a trunk and a crown with leaves. Do not forget that at first we make all the sketches with a simple pencil. We do not put much pressure on it, so that later it will be easy for you to remove unnecessary elements.

We mark the ground with a horizontal line, and draw a tree trunk perpendicular to it. In order for the tree to have a crown, where the tree trunk ends, draw a circle or an oval.

Second stage make our tree more real. Outline the trunk by adding a few roots and a couple of large branches.

AT third stage outline the crown.

Fourth stage. Making the tree realistic. We add a few more lace turns of the crown in the center, remove all unnecessary details. The tree is ready.

How to draw a tree trunk

The trunk is the base of the tree. It doesn't matter what tree you are drawing, whether it is a lonely birch in a field or, on the contrary, a dense pine forest, you will start drawing from the trunk.

To make the tree look more natural, the trunk must be drawn correctly, regardless of whether you have a pencil in your hand or a brush. According to the rules, starting from the ground, the trunk is wider and gradually tapering closer to the crown.

If you paint with paints, then draw the base with a wide part of the brush, and the upper part with a narrower one. The line should be thin and flowing.

Try to draw so that the trunk looks alive. It is difficult to find a tree with a perfectly even trunk or symmetrical branches. Don't forget shadows and highlights. They will add volume to the drawing.

How to draw a tree branch

The tree has large main branches and smaller branches growing from the main ones. Like the trunk, large branches are thicker at the base. The type of tree determines the nature of the image of the branches. At a birch, the branches stretch upwards towards the sun, at a pine or spruce they fan down to the ground.

First, make a sketch, deciding where the branch will grow, how many branches it has, what structure.

How to draw tree leaves

Leaves are an integral part of any tree. Each tree has its own kind of foliage. If you do not have a goal to depict a tree in detail and as accurately as possible, then you should not thoroughly draw each leaf.

Let's look at how to draw leaves more realistically, for example, maple.

To begin with, we make sketches, draw the base and outline. Gradually outline the entire edge of the sheet and remove the excess with an eraser.

Add a leaf twig and veins. Fill in the drawing with color. For the summer version, we use several shades of green, for autumn, warm red-orange tones.

How to draw a tree with a pencil step by step

Let's not draw any specific type of tree, let's draw a regular tree. Follow all the steps below and you will have a good quality drawing.

First stage.

Remember that you don't need to press hard on the pencil, otherwise it will be difficult to erase the sketch later and the drawing will turn out to be dirty. So, first we draw a trunk and an approximate outline of the tree crown.

Second phase.

We make the outline of the trunk clearer and add a few branches.

Third stage.

It's time to draw the foliage. Decide whether the weather is windy or calm. If the wind is blowing in your drawing, the foliage should lean in one direction or another. In our example, windless weather.

Fourth stage.

Now you need to remove the sketch and draw the elements of the tree in detail, starting from the bottom. We draw bark and branches.

Fifth stage.

To make the bark more natural, the lines should be like a sketch, no neatness is needed here. Add at this stage a branch with leaves on the left side.

Sixth stage.

We continue to sketch out the foliage with rounded movements. Adding earth to the drawing.

Seventh stage.

We select the tree trunk with a darker pencil, and on the contrary, paint over the foliage softly and lighter.

Eighth stage.

Don't forget about shadow play. Since the sun is shining from above, the top of the crown should be lighter, and where the shadow is, in this case the lower left corner, a little darker.

Ninth stage.

In random order, draw a few leaves.

Tenth stage.

On the right side, we also add a little shadow under the branches.

Eleventh stage.

At the last stage, it remains to add highlights. For work done with paints, take white, and if you draw in black and white, just erase a little with an eraser.

How to draw a tree step by step for beginners

If you are a completely new artist, then this method is sure to suit you. Prepare a white sheet of paper, pencils, including a simple one, and an eraser.

Stage 1 and 2. To begin with, let's draw a trunk and some thin branches.

We add volume to the branches, draw the same lines next to the existing branches, which smoothly transition into new branches. We remove unnecessary details with an eraser.

We draw foliage. To do this, with smooth lace lines, as if we are putting a hat on a tree, we draw a crown. Behind it we draw the next, larger size. Next is the third, largest crown.

Now it remains to paint over the trunk in brown, and each part of the crown with different shades of green.

How to draw a tree with paints

Before you start painting, you need to choose high-quality paints. It is better to learn to paint with gouache, it does not spread, unlike watercolor. So the drawing will be more accurate.

Let's paint a winter spruce with paints.

First, draw the trunk and the branches going up from it in brown. Then you need to outline the needles in green. In some places, the paint should be lighter so that the drawing is more alive. We paint over the inside of the spruce with green paint with the addition of blue.

We are waiting for the paint to dry completely and proceed to the snow. To depict snow on the branches, add a little blue to the white.

How to draw an autumn tree

With the onset of autumn, nature is decorated with all shades of red. In September, you can see a bewitching landscape, when, against the background of still green foliage, another one, already red-orange, is blazing. Hands are drawn to paints.

The autumn tree is drawn in the same way as everyone else, starting from the trunk. Draw de parallel uneven lines at a wide distance from each other. From these lines we draw twisting branches.

To make the tree look more alive and voluminous, we draw small processes in different ways, we do not repeat ourselves. We draw some branches clearly, and some as a sketch.

Next, draw the bark. To do this, we apply a lot of chaotic lines and a few tubercles to imitate a real tree bark. In order for the tree to acquire color, we draw the lines of the bark in red-brown.

We paint over the rest of the areas with a lighter brown, follow the lines, they should be in the same direction. Add shadows.

At the last stage, we add foliage to the tree. On small branches we depict leaves of orange-red color.

How to draw a beautiful tree

Each tree is beautiful in its own way. But you must admit that a large tree with roots spread above the ground and a dense crown impresses a little more than an ordinary park maple. To draw such a tree, you will need a sheet of white paper, a simple pencil and an eraser.

We draw a trunk tapering upwards. At the bottom of the trunk lines we connect with an arc. Set the direction of the roots in four directions, and draw them like curved pipes that narrow towards the bottom.

We release two main branches from the tree trunk, draw a fold between them. We remove all unnecessary auxiliary lines with an eraser.

Circles indicate the places of the crown. Grow the foliage by filling in the main circles with smaller ones with a contour in the form of small scrawl. Add a shadow.

How to draw a rowan tree

Rowan is very beautiful in winter, against the backdrop of white snow. Try to draw a winter rowan with paints.

Paint over the background with a light gray color, let the paint dry. Start by sketching with a pencil. One mountain ash grows several trunks from the ground. They are thin and branched. With small ovals, mark the place of future clusters. Now you can get to the paint.

We outline the trunks and branches in dark brown. We take a rich red color and fill in the ovals with small strokes. You will get bunches of mountain ash. Since we are drawing a winter rowan, put a little snow in white on each bunch. Using the same white, draw snowdrifts at the base.

How to draw a maple tree

The maple leaf has a characteristic acute-angled shape. Maple itself is a tall branched tree.

We make a sketch of a maple, draw a trunk and a crown cap. Next, we complicate it a little by adding a few stripes inside. We divide the crown into parts, drawing branches and partially foliage. Next, we outline the crown in more detail.<<колючими>> lines.

Color the maple in shades of yellow, orange and brown. Don't forget to add chiaroscuro.

How to draw a sakura tree

It is not at all difficult to draw a beautiful Japanese cherry tree. We use a simple pencil.

  1. Draw a big oval. Beneath it is a curved tree trunk. From it we draw crooked branches, they should intertwine a little and curl above the ground.
  2. Add more branches. This will make the tree look thicker. Get started with flowers.
  3. Do not draw all the flowers clearly, turn some of them only into a hint.
  4. Draw the bark on the trunk.
  5. Erase all unnecessary lines with an eraser. Get started with paint.
  6. Decorate the trunk with a dark brown color. Bark lines in black. We paint over the flowers with all shades of pink.

The tree quite often becomes the object of children's drawings. What picture of nature can do without trees? But trees are not as easy to draw as they seem, so it is better for novice artists to draw a tree in stages and at first with a simple pencil. And only by correctly completing the drawing with a pencil, it will be possible to paint it with paints. It is quite difficult to draw branches in a tree. They should be evenly spaced along the trunk and stretch up to the sun, and also have many small branches of branches inside. To make the tree look more beautiful in the picture, make the crown and trunk of the correct shape.
First, mark the lines of the branches, then make them almost invisible in the foliage crown. The easiest way to learn how to draw a spruce. It has a fairly simple structure, but we will try to make the task more difficult. In this lesson we will draw a tree, step by step pencil.

1. Let's mark up the tree trunk

First we need to mark the base of the branches and trunk. To do this, in the middle of a sheet of paper, draw two main vertical lines. From them we will make branches for branches stretching upwards, but at the next stage.

2. Outlines of the main branches

Try to make the contours of the branches a little at different distances from each other so that you do not get strict symmetry, which practically does not exist in nature.

3. Add small twigs to the drawing

Further, from these main branches of branches, many more branches need to be made, of which there are many on any tree. But in our drawing everything is conditional, therefore, one should not draw too many of these branches. Make them also not in symmetry. Leaves will be drawn on these future branches.

4. Let's finally draw the whole tree, except for the leaves

According to the preliminary contours, we outline the actual dimensions of the trunk and branches. To do this, circle the main line with two others, but not so even, since the surface of a tree is even only on a pole. We will do the same with branches, only we will add along one line, since there is not necessarily an ideal similarity. Draw a lot of bunches on the trunk, they will be branches turned towards us. This is often forgotten and tree drawing turns out flat. In the next step, we will determine the size of the leaves of our tree and circle the counter for the future crown.

5. Draw the leaves of the tree

Drawing the leaves of a tree is not so much difficult as long. Firstly, they are small, and secondly, there are a lot of them, and if possible, you need to draw each leaf separately. To quickly draw the leaves of a tree, draw small elongated ovals, just make sure that they do not go much beyond the general outline of the tree. Draw them according to the location of the branches, and do not leave gaps between them.

6. Drawing a tree with a pencil

If you draw only with a simple pencil, then add some more small details, shade the tree trunk, remove extra strokes from the drawing. And to make the black and white drawing of a tree more picturesque, you need to add small details surrounding the tree. For example, draw grass next to it, depict a shadow from a tree crown with dark strokes, etc.

7. Drawing trees with paints

This lesson is about how to draw a maple leaf. But, if you draw other trees, this lesson will help you draw the leaves of any trees correctly.

Try to draw a flying parrot. In the future, if you can draw a parrot correctly, you can draw any bird, even a firebird. It is best to draw it against the background of tree leaves.

If you draw a forest, you can draw mushrooms. Mushrooms will be a good decoration for your drawing, especially if you color them with colored pencils.

A Christmas tree often needs to be drawn for a New Year's card or wall newspaper. If you draw a Christmas tree, you can draw both Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. There are tutorials on the site.

An apple tree is practically no different from an ordinary deciduous tree, only its branches are always widely "scattered" and bend down to the ground, because in the harvest year heavy apples bend them to the ground.

The house can be drawn in many ways, such as making a roof of tiles, drawing double doors, or adding a chimney lined with bricks for a fireplace. It depends on your desire, but any house should have a foundation, walls, a roof and doors with windows. Drawing the surrounding landscape around the house, you can not do without drawing trees.

Almost always in the drawing of any landscape, a tree appears as the main or additional object, and sometimes even more than one. Before you start drawing a whole grove or even a forest, you need to learn how to draw a single tree, as well as practice drawing different types of trees.

In this tutorial, I want to demonstrate how to paint trees of different types with paints using different techniques. It is very important that the paints are of good quality. Using poor-quality paints will make it difficult for you to control the work with paint, and in general the whole process will not bring much pleasure, and the result will most likely be extremely mediocre.

So, I will show how to paint a winter spruce with paints, a deciduous tree, as well as a technique for painting a tree with a sponge. Let's start.

How to draw a spruce with paints

Let's start with the trunk. It shows in which direction side branches grow. Important - if you are not painting with gouache, but with watercolors, then you will need to make a preliminary sketch with a pencil and start painting from light areas, then wait until the paint dries and move on to dark details. If you don't do this, all the paint will mix and you end up with a very messy, ugly drawing. By the way, here is a detailed description of the technique of painting flowers in watercolor.

After you have finished drawing the branches, we outline the main color of the coniferous foliage of the tree. In some places the paint will be a little lighter. We draw the darkest areas in green with the addition of blue - you should get the color of a sea wave.

To add snow to spruce branches, wait for the paint to dry completely. We draw snow with white paint with the addition of a blue or blue tint.

How to draw a deciduous tree with paints

Again, we start drawing from the trunk, from which the branches are directed as shown in the image below.

Here for the foliage we will use a warmer green - you can get this color if you add a little yellow to the regular green - this way you can adjust and change the shade. The more shades of green in your drawing, the more interesting the final result will look. Shaded areas are drawn in dark green and turquoise.

Separate, strongly lit petals can be indicated in yellow. Don't forget to paint the trunk with dark and light shades of brown. Also draw earth, grass and flowers at the base of the tree.

How to draw a tree with paint and sponge

This method is especially popular with children and novice artists. It will require paper, paint and a small piece of sponge or foam rubber.

We start drawing from the trunk. With light movements, using a thin brush, draw branches.

After that, you need to dip the sponge a little in green paint and carefully leave prints on paper in the place where the crown of the tree should be located. You can practice on a draft. Adjust the amount of paint and the degree of pressure to get the best effect.

There are more than 100,000 species of trees in the world, which means that one tree can be completely different from another. However, even trees of the same species can differ significantly. In this lesson, we will consider the most common, "averaged" tree. However, the steps shown below are quite universal, so our lesson will be useful whether you are drawing an ash, maple, pine or other tree.

Preparation: looking for reference

Whatever you draw, it's always best to have an object to check. If you want - look for photos on the Internet, if you want - take your own pictures or just look at the trees on the street. Studying the object will help you quickly decide on the idea, as well as more accurately convey the details.

And now let's proceed directly to the drawing with a pencil.

Step 1.

Start by sketching the trunk and lightly outline the branches growing from it. Note that the branches grow sideways and slightly up. Imagine that they are reaching for the sun with all their might. In no case do not use a ruler: a living tree is knobby, uneven, curved, so perfectly straight lines will only hurt you.

Step 2

Now lightly outline the contours of the foliage. It is likely that this shape will change as you draw, but still this sketch will help you always remember what exactly you want to draw. Just as the branches should not be straight, so the crown of the tree should not be symmetrical!

Step 3

Shadows and highlights are what will give your work depth and dimension, but before you start breaking up your drawing into light and shadow, determine the light source for your tree.

Step 4

Having decided on the light, shade the main dark areas on your tree. It is convenient to do this with a soft pencil (for example, 6B) - this will create the illusion of more realistic foliage than when hatching with a hard lead. The bottom of each "block" of leaves should be darker than the top.

Step 5

Now let's fill the entire crown with tone, not forgetting to leave the illuminated areas lighter than those in the shade. However, even if you forgot and darkened some areas too much, you can always lightly go over them with an elastic band (it is better to do this with tapping movements so that the eraser picks up the pigment, but does not smear the drawing).

Step 6

Let's not forget about the trunk. If the light source is on the right, as in our example - of course, the left side of the trunk and the branches on it will be darker. Nevertheless, at the very left border of the trunk, you need to make a thin light strip - a reflex formed due to the "girdling" of the trunk by the rays of the sun.

Step 7

During the hatching process, your original outlines should merge with the hatched shapes - in real life, objects have no outlines, which means they should not be in a realistic drawing either (of course, if you draw comics, this rule does not work).

Step 8

Finally, draw the drop shadow. Of course, in the figure, it should approximately repeat the shape of the tree and fall in the opposite direction from the light source. The length of the shadow depends on the height of this source: the higher it is, the shorter the shadow. As you know, shadows disappear at noon :)

Before you start drawing trees step by step with children, carefully consider these natural objects, find common features. What is characteristic of any (or almost any) tree? Of course, it is a powerful and straight barrel. The bottom of the trunk is thick, but the closer to the top, the thinner it becomes. Branches extend from the trunk in all directions. Usually the main branches are directed upwards. Branches are long at the base and short towards the top. Smaller branches extend from large skeletal branches in different directions, even smaller ones from them, etc. It is these small branches that form the crown of trees. The "skeleton" of the tree is ready. You can depict winter trees in this way - without foliage, only twigs.

Step-by-step drawing of trees with children is a generalized scheme for drawing a tree.
We will dress the "skeleton" of the tree in leaves. You can draw them with dots, creating a mass of foliage from individual dots (tree A). When painting foliage, it is better to take several shades of green and even yellow for a summer tree. And for autumn - yellow, red, orange and green colors.
But it is even easier for children to depict some plane of an irregular shape close to an oval (tree B). This method is interesting to use when drawing with young children, or depicting trees in a landscape. In this case, first draw only the trunk and thick skeletal branches, and add small branches after you paint over the green area.

Foliage drawing options - step by step drawing trees with children
This is a tree in general. But, of course, different types of trees will be very different. And, first of all, in our drawing it will be the difference in the trunks. A thick and powerful oak-hero, a slender weeping birch with drooping branches, a mountain ash or a pine - compare the trunks of these trees with children.

Trunks of various trees.
To introduce children to various types of trees will help you

A very simple tree - step by step drawing with children from 4 years old.

This is really a very easy way to draw a tree. Of course, its species affiliation is unlikely to be determined. It is only clear that this tree is deciduous. Here we depict with children only a trunk and several large branches. Foliage is oval. You can paint such a drawing not only with pencils and paints, but even with felt-tip pens.

A simple deciduous tree is a step-by-step drawing scheme with children from 4 years old.
Although such a drawing of a tree is very simple and generalized, it provides a fairly rich ground for creativity. See what trees you can draw based on our picture.

Options for decorating the crown of a tree.

Oak - step-by-step drawing of trees with children from 6 years old.

Such an oak tree looks like a simple tree that we drew above. However, much more detail has been added here. This is a hollow, and the texture of the bark, and branches of a complex shape. It's not scary if your kid lowers something and simplifies the drawing. If his oak tree turns out to be powerful and stocky, then the artistic goal will be achieved!

Oak - a scheme for the phased drawing of a tree with children from 6 years old.

Birch - phased drawing of trees with children from 8 years old.

Drawing such a tree for children is quite a difficult task. This image is already close to a realistic image, replete with details and complex lines. Therefore, this work is not suitable for preschoolers. Yes, and younger students, most likely, will simplify this drawing. Draw the attention of the children to the position of the birch branches - they lean down.

Birch - a scheme for the phased drawing of a tree with children from 8 years old.

Pine - phased drawing of trees with children from 6 years old.

We move from deciduous trees to conifers. Remind the children that pine is an evergreen tree. Therefore, it doesn't matter if you draw it in a winter or summer setting - the crown will always be the same. Pine is drawn according to the same principle as deciduous trees, but green spots-needles need to be clearly "tied" to the branches. And the "bare" part of the trunk of this tree is much larger than that of hardwoods.

Pine - a scheme for the phased drawing of a tree with children from 6 years old.

Christmas tree - step-by-step drawing of trees with children from 4 years old.

Christmas tree - a diagram of the phased drawing of a tree with children from 6 years old.

Palm tree - phased drawing of trees with children from 7 years old.

Before that, we gave schemes for drawing trees that grow everywhere in our country. Now let's look at an exotic palm tree. A fairly simple and decorative tree for drawing with children is a palm tree. The name "palm tree" comes from the Latin word "palma", which means "palm". Such associations were born, obviously, from palm leaves spread out like fingers.
We present two options for drawing this tree. The first is more "cartoonish", the second is more realistic. In terms of complexity, both drawings are approximately the same. They can be recommended for working with children from 7-8 years old.

Palm No. 1 - a diagram of a phased drawing of a tree with children from 7 years old.

Palm No. 2 - a diagram of the phased drawing of a tree with children from 7 years old.


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