Maria Emmerich Diet Dr Rolls

Ultimate Keto Buns Pin itFollow us 138.4k

A couple of weeks ago, I asked my readers which bread recipe they would like to see posted on my blog. It was quite difficult to choose one because three of them got almost the same amount of votes. The Ultimate Keto Buns are one of the most popular recipes in the KetoDiet apps!

Here is what some of our users say:

"I love the keto buns. They are so light and fluffy and even better than wheat bread! I always make one or two batches and freeze them for later."

I've been making the keto buns for my daughter who has epilepsy. I always have loads of egg whites left and it's a great way to use them. It's the best low-carb bread I've tried!

"Your ultimate keto buns are the best bread substitute I have come across since giving up grains - I can have burgers & sandwiches again, even my hubby will eat them which must mean they taste like good :0)"

"Made this for the second time (try) and much better results. Pay attention to the tips and methods, first time I did not weigh dry ingredients and I used the lukewarm water method....not so good, very moist and did not rise nicely, had to toast in toaster prior to eating to salvage batch. Second try, got a good scale! and I used the boiled water method - only variation I had was substitute almond flour for the flax meal as I did not have any in the house. They look like buns! and taste so much better - we ate some with brats and sauerkraut and spicy mustard...heaven...have been going 'bunless' so often so it is nice to actually have a hotdog or brat (all natural ing of course) in a bun! Thank you for the very well explained recipe as baking is a science AND art!"

You can find many more low-carb bread recipes in my apps and also cookbooks!

Ultimate keto bread, Fluffy grain-free sunflower bread, Low-carb sourdough bread, Ultimate keto buns (recipes from KetoDiet apps)

How To Make Keto Buns

The keto buns can be made in two ways, both work equally well.

Method 1 (with boiling water): Mix all the dry ingredients and then add eggs, egg whites and boiling water (as shown in the steps below). This amazing method is found on Maria Emmerich's blog Keto Adapted.

Method 2 (with lukewarm water): Another method that also results in fluffy bread buns:

  • Mix the dry ingredients apart from psyllium husk powder.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the wet ingredients: eggs, egg whites, lukewarm water with psyllium husk powder.
  • Pour the wet mixture into the bowl with the dry ingredients and process well.

Does This Keto Bread Taste Eggy?

Although this low-carb bread recipe uses many eggs, it does not taste eggy. If you've had bad experience with recipes that tasted eggy before, you'll love this recipe. There's a good reason I use a combination of whole eggs, egg whites and a few types of low-carb flours to make this recipe. There's no eggy taste and no coconut taste either.

Can I Make a Loaf Instead of Rolls?

Absolutely! If making a loaf instead of buns, bake for 75 minutes. Do not use a silicon (soft) loaf pan — use a firm pam instead.

Can I make Keto Bread If I Have Food Allergies?

If you have any food allergies and cant eat nuts, eggs or flax meal, try some of these options:

  • Multi-Purpose Bread (flax-free, includes a nut-free option)
  • Nut-Free Keto Buns (includes flaxmeal)
  • Psyllium-Free Keto Buns (includes flaxmeal and nuts)
  • Fluffy Grain-Free Sunflower Bread (nut-free and coconut-free)
  • Keto Rye Bread (grain-free and nut-free)
  • If you don't want to use coconut flour and want to make this recipe, I'd use twice the amount of almond flour instead of coconut flour (1 cup of almond flour instead of 1/2 cup coconut flour).

Tips for the Perfect Keto Bread

If for any reason you can't get this recipe to work, here are some tips that might help. Most of the above tips apply to any recipes using psyllium husk powder:

  • For best results, use a kitchen scale when measuring all the dry ingredients. Using just cups may not be enough to achieve best results, especially in baked goods. Weights per cups and tablespoons may vary depending on the product/brand or if you make you own ingredients (like flaxmeal from flaxseeds). Psyllium absorbs lots of water.
  • Leavening agents. Cream of tartar and baking soda act as leavening agents. This is how it works: To get 2 teaspoons of gluten-free baking powder, you need 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar (double in this recipe of 10 buns). If you don't have cream of tartar, instead you can use apple cider vinegar and add it to the wet ingredients. If using apple cider vinegar instead of cream of tartar, make sure to mix it with the wet ingredients. Do not use whole psyllium husks — ideally use a blender or coffee grinder and process the whole husks until fine. I always use whole psyllium husks which I powder myself in a food processor/coffee grinder. Store-bought psyllium husk powder may not work. Most of the products that I've tried were too dense and made the buns flat and unappetising.

Ultimate Keto Buns Pin itFollow us 138.4k

  • If the buns don't rise properly, use only egg whites and omit the egg yolks. This issue could also be related to the psyllium you are using (see tip above). Some ready-made powders are too dense and make the bread heavy.
  • If the buns appear to have large hollow bubbles inside, it may be due to the psyllium. Make sure you use powder, not whole husks. Otherwise, use a coffee grinder or blender and pulse until fine and powdery.
  • Use whipped egg whites to make these fluffier. For a slightly (but not significantly) better result, incorporate the eggs separately. First, whisk the egg whites until they create soft peaks and add cream of tartar used in this recipe. In another bowl, mix the egg yolks and gently fold them into the egg whites. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients and pour in the hot water. Process well using an electric mixer (hand whisk is not as good in this recipe). Add the foamy egg white mixture into the batter and process well. Try not to deflate the batter completely. Form the buns and place in the oven.
  • If the final result is too moist, do not reduce the water used in this recipe or the psyllium will clump. Instead, dry the buns in the oven on low, up to 100 °C/ 210 °F (fan assisted), or 120 °C/ 250 °F (conventional) for 30-60 minutes. If needed, cut them in half and place in a toaster.
  • Do not leave the dough outside the oven for too long. Place in the oven as soon as you form the buns.
  • If the buns have a purple hue, it's due to the psyllium husk powder. Whenever I use whole husks and grind them at home, they are always perfect, light brown. However, when I use ready-made psyllium husk powder, they look purple, especially the next day. Although they may not look appetising, they are perfectly fine.
  • Erythritol can be omitted in this recipe — the effect on net carbs is insignificant. It works in two ways: It acts as leavening agent and creates the slightly sweet taste burger buns have.
  • Flavour options for herbs and spices: If you don't have both onion and garlic powder, you can use just one of them or use freshly mashed garlic cloves (2 cloves per recipe of 5 buns).
  • When baking with psyllium, you must remember to drink enough water throughout the day to prevent constipation! If you can't use psyllium, try this dough instead.
  • Why do I need to use so many egg whites? The reason you shouldn't use only whole eggs is that the buns wouldn't rise with so many egg yolks in. Don't waste them - use them for making Homemade Mayo, Easy Hollandaise Sauce or Lemon Curd.

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Hands-on Overall

Serving size bun

Allergy information for Ultimate Keto Buns

✔  Gluten free

✔  Dairy free

✔  Nightshade free

✔  Pork free

✔  Avocado free

✔  Fish free

✔  Shellfish free

✔  Beef free



Nutritional values (per serving, bun)

Net carbs 4.2 grams

Protein 10.1 grams

Fat 15.2 grams

Calories 208 kcal

Calories from carbs 9%, protein 21%, fat 70%

Total carbs 12.4 grams Fiber 8.1 grams Sugars 1.5 grams Saturated fat 2.3 grams Sodium 397 mg (17 % RDA) Magnesium 95 mg (24 % RDA) Potassium 389 mg (19 % EMR)

Ingredients (makes 10 buns)

Dry ingredients:
  • 1 1/2 cup almond flour (150 g/ 5.3 oz)
  • 2/3 cup psyllium husks - will be powdered, will make about 1/3 cup psyllium husk powder (40 g/ 1.4 oz)
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour (60 g/ 2.1 oz)
  • 1/2 packed cup flax meal (75 g/ 2.6 oz)
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp cream of tartar or apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp pink Himalayan or sea salt
  • 5 tbsp sesame seeds (or sunflower, flax, poppy seeds) or 1-2 tbsp caraway seeds
  • Optional: 1-2 tbsp Erythritol or Swerve
Wet ingredients:
  • 6 large egg whites
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 cups water, boiling or lukewarm depending on the method - see intro (480 ml/ 16 fl oz)


  1. Preheat the oven to 175 °C/ 350 °F (fan assisted), or 195 °C/ 380 °F (conventional). Use a kitchen scale to measure all the ingredients and add them to a mixing bowl (apart from the sesame seeds which are used for topping): almond flour, coconut flour, flax meal, psyllium husk powder, garlic powder, onion powder, cream of tartar, baking soda, salt (and optionally, Erythritol).
    Ultimate Keto Buns
  2. Do not use whole psyllium husks - if you cannot find psyllium husk powder, use a blender or coffee grinder and process until fine. If you get already prepared psyllium husk powder, remember to weigh it before adding to the recipe. I used whole psyllium husks which I powdered myself. Do not use just measure cups - different products have different weights per cup! Ultimate Keto Buns
  3. Mix all the dry ingredients.
    Ultimate Keto Buns
  4. Add the egg whites and eggs. Ultimate Keto Buns
  5. Process well using a mixer until the dough is thick.
    Ultimate Keto Buns
  6. Add boiling water. Ultimate Keto Buns
  7. Process until well combined. Ultimate Keto Buns
  8. Using a spoon, make the buns (about 110 g/ 3.9 oz each) and place them on a non-stick baking tray or a parchment paper. They will grow in size, so make sure to leave some space between them. You can even use small tart trays. Ultimate Keto Buns
  9. Top each of the buns with sesame seeds (or any other seeds) and press them into the dough, so they don't fall out. Place in the oven and cook for 45-50 minutes. Ultimate Keto Buns
  10. Remove from the oven, let the tray cool down and place the buns on a rack to cool down to room temperature. Store them at room temperature if you plan to use them in the next couple of days or store in the freezer for future use. Ultimate Keto Buns
  11. Top with butter or cream cheese, burger meat or any topping you like. Enjoy!
    Ultimate Keto Buns
  12. Meal prep tip: To save time, mix all the dry ingredients ahead and store in a zip-lock bag and add a label with the number of servings. When ready to be baked, just add the wet ingredients! Ultimate Keto Buns

Ingredient nutritional breakdown (per serving, bun)

Net carbs Protein Fat Calories
Almond flour (blanched ground almonds, almond meal)
1.3 g 3.2 g 7.9 g 89 kcal
Psyllium husks
0.4 g 0.1 g 0 g 2 kcal
Coconut flour, organic
0.6 g 1 g 0.9 g 22 kcal
Flaxmeal (flax meal), ground flaxseed
0.1 g 1.4 g 3.2 g 40 kcal
Garlic powder, spices
0.4 g 0.1 g 0 g 2 kcal
Onion powder, spices
0.3 g 0 g 0 g 2 kcal
Cream of tartar, raising agent
0.4 g 0 g 0 g 2 kcal
Baking soda, raising agent (bicarbonate of soda)
0 g 0 g 0 g 0 kcal
Salt, pink Himalayan rock salt
0 g 0 g 0 g 0 kcal
Sesame seeds
0.5 g 0.8 g 2.2 g 26 kcal
Egg, whole, fresh, raw (free-range or organic eggs)
0.1 g 1.3 g 1 g 14 kcal
Egg white, fresh
0.1 g 2.2 g 0 g 10 kcal
Water, still
0 g 0 g 0 g 0 kcal
Total per serving, bun
4.2 g 10.1 g 15.2 g 208 kcal

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Maria Emmerich Diet Dr Rolls


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