Dr Bernstein Diet and Health Clinic Langley

Are you wondering how to lose 20 pounds and whether or not you should go on the Dr Bernstein diet?  If you have tried everything but nothing seems to work then you might have considered going on the Bernstein diet. Read my Berstein Diet Review for a little more information.

Here are some things you should know before you decide the Dr Bernstein diet is the right diet for you.  Yes, you will definitely lose weight on the drbdiet, anywhere from 16 -20 pounds in your first month. Weight loss will begin to slow down further into the program. There is no doubt that you should watch what you are eating if you want to lose weight. The dr. Bernstein Diet is a low-carb diet.

Note that the Bernstein Diet program has been changed to an at-home program. Everything will be done virtually as all of the clinic locations have permanently closed.

Dr Bernstein Diet Clinic

The Dr Bernstein Diet Clinic is a medically supervised weight loss clinic that has permanently been switched to an online program. The diet has helped people with health problems and medical conditions such as diabetes management, to help with constant normal blood sugar levels, insulin resistance syndrome, high cholesterol, achieving normal blood sugars, high blood pressure, high blood sugars, heart disease, and more.

Doctor Bernstein

The Dr. Bernstein diet was created by Dr. Stanley Bernstein, MD a General Practitioner and an experienced physician in the field of Bariatrics that has been practicing for over 40 years. Bariatrics is the medical management of obesity and weight loss.

According to the Dr. Bernstein website, "His interest in the condition of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) led him to develop a method of controlling hunger through the introduction of vitamins, minerals and proper diet that proved effective in reducing cravings. He also joined the American Society of Bariatric Physicians, an organization devoted to educating physicians in methods of treating obesity."

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Dr Bernstein Diet

Dr Bernstein Diet Meal Plan Dietary Guidelines

The Dr Bernstein diet is based on eating three meals a day, with food selections based on a list of "allowed" foods, with a limited amount of carbohydrates at each meal. TheDr. Bernstein diet is a low glycemic and low inflammatorydiet that helps people lose weight.

There are many healthy foods that are not allowed in the diet plan. That's because while they are good for you, they are not so good for weight loss. Once you've lost the weight and completed the will want to return to some of these foods, in order to stay healthy and happy .

What do you eat on the Bernstein Weight loss program?

The Bernstein diet is approximately 30 grams of net carbs per day. It is a low carb, high protein, and low-fat diet. There are no extra fats allowed on the diet, only what occurs naturally in the protein.

On low-carbohydrate diets such as the Dr. Berstein diet, you will be eating low carb, low inflammation foods. And no oils of any kind are allowed on the diet. They also suggest not drinking coffee as this can elevate your blood sugar levels. You will likely be hungry on the Dr. Bernstein diet with the calories restricted so drastically. I would recommend having the fiber one cereal for breakfast as it will help keep you regular. You may want to look into an alternative brand though as I am not a fan of artificial sweeteners.

Dr Bernstein Diet Food List

Dr Bernstein Food List – Foods Not Allowed:

Coffee: Patients are instructed to limit their intake of caffeine as according to the Dr Bernstein clinic, coffee stimulates insulin production. This may cause blood sugars to move into cells, creating more fat storage. It may also cause blood sugar drops that stimulate hunger.

Sugar and Carbohydrates are eliminated or drastically reduced. Your digestive system changes carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar). Your body uses sugar for energy for your cells, tissues, and organs but it can also excess amounts can be stored as fat. During the Dr Bernstein diet, your carbohydrate intake will be greatly restricted so the body is triggered to go to its fat stores for energy.

Dairy contains saturated fat and sugar that are counterproductive to weight loss. Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk and it can interfere with weight loss. Many people also have sensitivity to lactose that may cause bloating, diarrhea, gas, and nausea. Here are the basic rules.

  • no butter or margarine
  • no popcorn
  • no ketchup
  • no sugar
  • no yogurt
  • no bread
  • no breakfast cereals
  • no pasta
  • no bananas
  • no grapes
  • no pineapple
  • no cherries
  • no honeydew
  • no mangos
  • no corn syrup
  • no peanut butter
  • no pears
  • no legumes
  • no starchy vegetables (no acorn squash, carrots, eggplant, leeks, peas, pumpkins, avocados, potatoes, rice, you get the idea) no added carbohydrate
  • no alcohol
  • Cottage cheese is not allowed
  • no fruit juices
  • not much fat no dietary fat

Dr Bernstein Food List – Foods Allowed:

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Dr Bernstein Diet

There are four food categories allowed on the Dr Bernstein Diet that include protein, vegetables, fruit, and bread substitutes. You may have two servings from each of the food categories per day. Here are the main food groups for the weight loss process.

  • 2 servings of non-starchy vegetables (only ones on the list)
  • 2 servings of fruit (only ones on the list)
  • 2 servings of protein
  • 2 servings of bread substitutes (there is a list of some bread substitutes you can have such as 1 plain breadstick, 1/2 carbwise bagel , 1/4 fiber one cereal, there are some gluten-free options ,etc.)
  • moderate portions of sugar free jello

Protein allowed as Part of the Program Dr Bernstein Diet

2 Servings of 3 1/2 oz Protein Per Day that include:

Lean meats such as chicken breasts (skins removed), lean beef, moose, pork tenderloin, turkey breast, etc. Limit processed meats such as deli slices, smoked chicken, and turkey. You are also allowed fish and seafood such as crab meat, lobster, salmon, scallops, shrimp, swordfish, tuna, and whitefish. Egg whites (6), fat-free Kraft cheese slices (3 slices). Although this is a low-carb diet, it is not a high-fat diet like a typical ketogenic diet or Atkins diet.

Vegetables allowed on Dr Bernstein Diet

2 servings per day up to 8oz raw weight include:

Asparagus, artichokes, beet greens, fennel, lettuce, mushrooms, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, cucumbers, rapini, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, green beans onions, peppers, red radishes

They do recommend eating real food but do also sell some protein shakes and bars as alternatives if you are out on the road. You are allowed some treats on the Dr Bernstein Diet but sadly it's only sugar-free Jello. It is also recommended to drink a lot of water on the Bernstein Diet as this will help speed up fat loss.

Bread Substitutes allowed on Dr Bernstein Diet

2 servings per day that include:

Breadsticks (1 stick), Dempster's Bakery Thins Tortillas (1/2 tortilla is one serving), Breton Bites Original (7 crackers is one serving), Grissol melba Toast (2 slices is one serving), Mary's Organic Crackers (4 crackers is one serving), 1/4 fiber one cereal (these are low grams of carbs). This is not a high-carbohydrate diet.

Fruit Allowed on Dr Bernstein Diet

2 Servings per day plus 1 cup of no sugar added Jell-o. Fresh fruit only, no canned or dry fruit. All fruit sizes are small to medium.

Apple, apricots (3-4), blueberries (5oz is one serving), 1/4 Cantelope, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 kiwi, 1 nectarine, 1 medium orange, peach, raspberries (5oz), strawberries (5oz), tangerine, 8 oz watermelon (without rind)

Liquids on Dr Bernstein Diet

It is recommended to drink a minimum of 8 glasses or 2 liters per day. In addition to water, you can also drink herbal tea, mineral water, soda water, sugar-free and caffeine-free soft drinks, and decaffeinated coffee (1 per day). Alcohol on the Dr Bernstein diet is not permitted. You are also allowed some small amounts of non food items such as artificial sweeteners like stevia liquid, splenda tablets, sweet'n low,

Dr Bernstein Diet Visits and Dr Bernstein Diet Injections

All Bernstein Diet clinic visits have been changed to online only.

You need to keep track of your daily food on a diet planner that is provided by the clinic. This diet planner will be checked during your virtual visits.

The program has changed to an at-home virtual program. You will still keep track of your daily food and meet with nurse over the phone once a week. You will also meet with a doctor every 2-3 weeks to review your progress and your health.

Daily injections have been changed to injections only 3 times per week. Once you receive it, you will meet virtually with a nurse who will teach you how to test your ketones daily and how to self-inject your secret vitamin b cocktail.

The ketones are a great indicator if you are on track and losing fat. If you cheated, it will show in your ketones. The ketone levels indicate if you are in fat-burning mode.

The vitamin injections are a combination of B6 and B12. Supplies of the vitamin injections along with the syringe and alcohol wipes will be shipped to your home. Normally the vitamin injections will be injected into the abdomen.

Dr Bernstein Diet Plan Cost 2021

The cost of the new at-home Dr Bernstein Diet program is $200 for 2 weeks and $400 for four weeks. This includes the vitamin injection kit. The cost of the vitamins is extra. You will need to purchase the multivitamins and Cal K that are approximately $16 each.

Dr Bernstein Diet Pros and Cons

Dr Bernstein Diet Cons

  • The biggest con of the Dr Bernstein Diet is the cost. It isn't cheap but if you have tried everything then it just may be worth the fee associated with the diet.
  • Extremely low calories so you may feel restricted.
  • Difficult to go out and enjoy dinner with friends.

Dr Bernstein Diet Pros

  • The pros of the Dr Bernstein diet are that it's fairly easy to follow.
  • The Dr Bernstein Progam is at home now so no more daily visits.
  • You have a specific list of foods to add to your daily meal plan so it requires very little guesswork.
  • You will lose weight on the Dr Bernstein diet as calories are extremely low and carbohydrates are drastically reduced.
  • The diet will help to normalize your blood sugar.

Common Dr Bernstein Diet Questions:

Do B12 injections help you lose weight?

Although there's no solid evidence that vitamin B-12 injections aid weight loss, I personally found that it made a difference and aided in weight loss.

How does vitamin b12 help with weight loss:

Vitamin B12 for weight loss works because of its ability to boost metabolism and provide lasting energy. Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble B complex vitamin found naturally in a variety of foods, including meat, fish, and dairy products.

Does Vitamin B12 increase the metabolism?

According to Healthline, "Although research in humans is still very limited, some studies suggest that vitaminB12 could affect body fat andmetabolism. One review concluded that vitaminB12 plays a key role in fatmetabolism, noting that a deficiency could be linked to increased fat accumulation and obesity."

How does the Dr Bernstein Diet work?

You are put on a meal plan that is low calorie, low carb. moderate protein and low fat. You now meet with a nurse virtually for check-ins and you will administer your own vitamin injections that consists of a combination of B6 and B12 vitamins that help to enhance your weight loss.

How many calories do you eat on Dr Bernstein?

They don't state how many calories you eat per day on their meal plan but after calculating the calories myself, it works out to be approximately 850-900 calories per day which is an extremely low-calorie diet.

How fast can you lose weight on Dr Bernstein?

They indicate that you can lose up to 20 lbs per month. It depends on the person but I personally lost 20lbs in one month on the program.

Is Dr Bernstein tax deductible?

I don't believe there are any tax deductibles (I would contact an accountant) to write off but this service may be covered by your personal health insurance.

Does the Dr Bernstein Diet Work For Me?

Yes, the Dr Bernstein Diet worked for me. I lost 20 pounds in 30 days. I have tried to maintain the diet and generally watch what I eat but living on 900 calories is impossible. While on the Dr Bernstein Diet I had a lot of energy and I suspect that is due to the vitamin injections.

I did notice on the Dr Bernstein Diet that I was losing more hair in the shower. This is common on low-calorie diets.

Dr Bernstein Health Clinics Locations

All of the clinic locations have permanently closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions. They are now offering the Bernstein At-Home Weight Loss Program that you can follow from the comfort and safety of your own home, complete with one-on-one personal support from their team of Nurses and Doctors.

Contact them for more details.

Should You Try the Dr Bernstein Diet?

Going on the Dr Bernstein diet is definitely a personal choice and I completely understand how frustrating it can be when you have tried everything and the weight simply will not budge. You will lose weight on the Bernstein Diet but also keep in mind what will happen after you are no longer on the Bernstein diet.

They do have a maintenance plan and package, to help guide you into introducing more foods into your diet but that is an extra fee.  The Bernstein Diet program is fairly expensive but if cost is not an issue then it may be worth a try.

Have you tried the Bernstein diet? I would love to hear your thoughts and your own Dr Bernstein diet reviews.


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Dr Bernstein Diet and Health Clinic Langley

Source: https://dianashealthyliving.com/dr-bernstein-diet-review/

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